Wing Chun Chi Sau – Online Course
Live Online Training Course
Course Title: Wing Chun Chi Sau: Concepts & Practice
Many Wing Chun practitioners have likely heard that the purpose of Chi Sau (which literally means “sticky hands”) is to improve your sensitivity. While sensitivity training is an important element, Chi Sau also has another key function, what we call “bridging.” By this we mean Chi Sau serves as a bridge between Wing Chun’s empty hand forms (the three sets) and real combat.
The fighting style of Wing Chun can be characterized as a “sticky body short strike art” (!”# $). In other words, without such a link or “bridging”, we cannot apply what we have learned in
our empty hand forms to real-world fighting. It’s also important to recognize that Chi Sau is a form of fixed, routine training and should not be confused with real-life fighting. Neither is Gor Sau real fighting, as it is just a more advanced form of Chi Sau under the condition that hand-to- hand contact has been established with your partner. This is because the close-in footwork techniques from the fighting range are not specially trained in Chi Sau (Close-in footwork is learnt and trained separately). Nevertheless, Chi Sau is still a very important curriculum within the Wing Chun system as it has several deeper conceptual elements for “bridging” and also for training many of its short strike fighting techniques.
Course Outline & Objective
The objective of this course is to analyse the theory and practice of Wing Chun Chi Sau, from introductory through to more advanced levels. It is designed to enable participants to use Wing Chun’s short strike fighting techniques in combat.
Target Group
Open to all Wing Chun practitioners regardless of lineages.
Duration of Course
This course will be run continuously as it aims to cover a wide spectrum of Chi Sau techniques, including striking, kicking, take-downs, and grappling. It is structured into four lessons per session. Each lesson is 1.5 hours. Each session will then continue on to the next session. All are welcome to join at any point.
Content of Session 1 (Four lessons)
l What is Chi Sau?
l Why Chi Sau is the bridge? l Three Stages of Chi Sau
l Key points of Dan Chi Sau, Pun Sau and Gor Sau l Practical Chi Sau techniques
Dates and times for Session 1
Lesson 1: 23 May 2021, Sunday 1500 – 1630
Lesson 2: 30 May 2021, Sunday 1500 – 1630
Lesson 3: 06 Jun 2021, Sunday 1500 – 1630
Lesson 4: 13 Jun 2021, Sunday 1500 – 1630
All dates and times are shown in Hong Kong Standard Time (GMT+8) Tuition
- HK$1,196 per person (4 lessons)
- Individual lesson: HK$439 per person Payment Method
- Seven days before the commencement of the course or session, via Bank Transfer OR PayPal. Account details will be provided upon confirmation. The Zoom meeting passcode will be sent upon receipt of payment.
- The total wire amount should be net of any wire fees and handling charges, i.e., please pay all bank wire transfer and other fees. Delivery Method
• Online App: Zoom
Please click the link below and return the completed form on or before 17 May 2021.
Register here.
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